My Little Monkeys
The first part of our Caps for Sale adventures included several hands on activities as well as worksheet go-alongs from our favorite web-sites. I did purchase the online packet from Five in A Row and I think we got more out of our own projects. The kids always enjoy our matching games as you see below, but it wasn't their favorite part of the week. Maybe it was because this was not their most favorite book, but I never claim to know exactly what my kids are thinking.
The first activity below was matching capital letters with their "baby" letters. Stephen always enjoys this type of activity and I am always amazed with how well Rhea follows the instructions and accurately makes her own matches. Stephen then matched various hats with the right profession and had a great time telling the story with his popscicle puppets. Rhea also enjoyed another matching game that I found through
We played two other games that you can see below. The first was a color cap matching game, and to keep it interesting I hid them throughout the house. We did the same with some monkeys that the kids colored.
Are those items from the Caps for Sale fold and learn at all?
Heather W (FIAR)
I love your Caps For Sale Lapbook. Can you tell me where you found the caps ABC game where he matched the upper to the "baby" letters? I am putting together some ideas to start with my son soon. Thank you for sharing all your wonderful ideas!
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